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Now?comes the?most?depressing?time of?the?year?- when all?your?EQM?totals?roll?back?to zero!? So toast?a glass?to all?the?miles and?points?you?accumulated?during?2012 and?get?ready?to do the?ritual all?over?again.? To help?you?out, I have?compiled?a list?of?my?top ten tips?for?achieving?the?status?that?you?desire?(or?have?thrust?upon?you?if?you?are forced?to travel?the?miles like?I do).?? These?go?in to some?detail?so I will?list?five?now?and?the?remaining?five?next?week.? Feel?free?to ask?for?more details?as I really?could?write?a page?on?each?one?of?these?subjects.
1.? Plan your?year.? Don?t be one?of?the?many?who?are scrambling?next?December?because?they?just?realized?that?they?need?2,500 miles to make?Unobtainium?Level?on?their?favorite?airline.? Make?a simple spreadsheet?which?lists?all?your?known?or?probable trips
by?month.? If?you?fly?on?multiple?alliances, total them?in separate?columns.?Now?see?where?you?come out?on?your?total for?2013 and decide what?level?of?elite?flyer?is attainable?for?you.?Now?you?can judge?if?you?need?to reroute?a specific?trip?to get?a few
more miles or?need?to fly?a 10,000 mile mileage?run?to reach?your?desired?level.
2.? Use your?redeemable?miles wisely.? Award?tickets?are one?of?the?key?benefits?to being?a FF?and?spending?all?those?hours?on?a plane.? There?are some?that?advocate?using?(burning) your?miles as quickly?as you?earn?them?so they?are not?devalued?by?a future
increase?in award?redemption?requirements?in the?future.? I say?use them, but?keep?in mind?that?you?are giving?up?earning?EQM?when?taking?an?award?flight.? A better?use may?be to pay?for?your?own?ticket, but?use award?miles for?your?spouse, child, or?battle?buddy?when?flying?a trip?together.
3.? Don?t forget the?credit?card?benefits.? A lot?of?people?focus?on?the?initial?bonus?miles that?CC?companies?dangle?out?there?to get?you?to initially?sign?on, but?there?are many?CC?benefits?that?can help?you?in other?ways.? For?example, my?Chase?Mileage?Plus Signature?Card?gives?me 5,000 EQM once I have?spent?$35k in the?year.? As far as I am?concerned, the?best?CC?deal?out?there?is the?BoA Alaska?Airlines?VISA Signature.? For?a $75 annual fee, you?get?a companion?ticket?for?$99 anywhere AS flies.? You?don?t need AS miles?? No problem?- get the?card, fly?AS with?your?spouse/ buddy, and credit?all?the?miles to DL?or?AA.? Friends?of?mine team?up?every?year?to get?cheap?mileage?runs?by?splitting?the?cost?of?flying?back?and?forth?a couple?of?times across?the?country?for?half?price.? Not?hard?to get?15-20k EQM out?of?this.? You?can even?stop?for?a mini-vacation at a couple?of?locations.? Here?is a link to Lucky?s One?Mile?at?a Time Blog?where?he discusses?a long?list?of?credit?card?offers?out?there.
4.? Keep?an?emergency?supply?of?miles.? While?ticket?prices?go?up?the?closer?to the?flying?date, the?miles required?for?an?anytime?award?ticket?remains?constant.? We?have?all?experienced?a time, such?as a death?in the?family, which?we?need?to travel?at?the?last?minute.? BTW, good?luck?with??bereavement fares?, those?are almost?never?a good?deal.? So keeping?50-100k in miles in your?account?may?save?you?a lot?of?money?when?something?last-minute comes up.? This?strategy?also?works?well?if?you?are flying Space-A and?can?t get a hop?back home.
5.? Shoot?for?early?status.? Racking?up?a bunch?of?miles early?in the?year?can get?you?a great?start?on?your?earning?year?and?get?you?some?status?early?to increase?your?earning?amounts?later?in the?year.? For?example, let?s say you?are starting as no
status?at?the?beginning?of?the?year, by?getting?Silver?in Feb. will?get?you?the?25% bonus RDM?in most?programs?for?the?rest?of?your?earnings?that?year?and?next.? Early?status?will?also?increase?your?chances of?a free?upgrade?on?the?rest?of?your?flights?that?year.
So digest?those?tips?for?now?and?I?ll?have?the?rest?next?week.
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The Odyne Hybrid truck.
I have personally spent many hours in a conventional bucket truck burning an awful amount of diesel and gasoline iwhile inspecting bridges for the NY State DOT. ODYNE appears to have a better way...
Odyne is a cleading manufacturer of advanced turnkey hybrid drive solutions including advanced PHEV technology enabling trucks over 14,000 lbs to have substantially lower fuel consumption, lower emissions, improved performance, quieter job site operation and reduced operating and maintenance costs.
Odyne?s modular system reduces fuel consumption by up to 50% compared to traditional diesel engines, depending on the application. The system offers the greatest benefit for trucks with driving cycles that have a high percentage of starting and stopping and extended periods of work site engine idle time to provide power to equipment or tools. An Odyne hybrid system helps fleet managers reduce their carbon footprint and meet sustainable energy goals by displacing the use of fossil fuels with cleaner, lower cost electricity from the grid, while providing a quieter, safer working environment.
Odyne ihas developed proprietary and patented hybrid technology featuring robust automotive grade components combining reliable electric power conversion, power control and energy storage technology with advanced electric propulsion motors and modular lithium ion battery systems. The Odyne hybrid power system interfaces with Allison Transmission?s industry leading fully-automatic transmissions and features Remy?s HVH250 series electric motor, boasting industry leading power density and efficiency, Johnson Controls modular lithium-ion battery systems and other robust quality components designed for rugged applications.
The system easily integrates with medium or heavy duty vehicle powertrains and is optimized for the demanding work truck market. An Odyne system can be installed on a wide variety of new and existing vehicles and is applicable across chassis manufacturers. According to a company release, the company has delivered more large trucks PHEV systems for fleets across the US than any other supplier.
The System overview
Source: http://www.cleanmpg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46147
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Recently I watched a television show where we, the audience, were introduced to the mother of one of the main characters as well as to the mother?s friend and roommate, another woman. I was somewhat annoyed at myself for knowing that ?friend? and ?roommate? were code words for a sexual relationship, but sure enough, as the episode progressed, I was proven correct.
As I later reflected on this admittedly small part of the episode, I realized why it bothered me so much. It wasn?t merely because I disagreed with the type of relationship portrayed; I run into that on television all the time and it rarely causes me to spend any time thinking about it later. I think most of us at Ricochet could agree that we?ve hashed out the topics of gay marriage and same-sex relationships more than enough times. At this point, we each know where we stand and minds are unlikely to change, so I want to take this discussion in a different direction.
Last month tabula rasa wrote about the decline of ?Innocent Relationships Between Old Men and Children.? I think that those are not the only types of relationships that have suffered in our current culture. There seems to be, dare I say it, a ?war on friendship,? where every relationship is looked at with suspicion and/or the assumption that it is something it?s not -- to the point where just saying someone is a friend apparently indicates a lot more, as evidenced in the scene I recounted above.
Increasingly, we live in a society that sexualizes every relationship. Society seems no longer to remember that there can be any kind of bond, closeness, even love, without a sexual component?without, at the very least, a sexual attraction. Too often today, relationships between men, between women, between men and women, between children and adults, are all looked on with suspicion or assumed to be more than friendship.
Ricochet has a lot of readers, so think about some of the great friendships portrayed in literature or even history. (Tabula Rasa, feel free to throw out some examples for us.) Of course, many of those relationships have been reinterpreted by the Women & Gender Studies department at your local state university. Leaving that aside though, could friendships like those be written of today? Could the minds of people in today?s culture conceive of a deep loving friendship that didn?t involve sex? Has the culture at large forgotten that there is such a thing as friends without benefits?
Has anyone else noticed this trend? Am I the only one who thinks a war on friendship is an overlooked side effect of the culture wars?
Source: http://ricochet.com/main-feed/The-War-on-Friendship
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Associated Press
Published: December 29, 2012
Updated: December 29, 2012 - 5:24 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) Confused about the federal budget struggle? So are doctors, hospital administrators and other professionals who serve the 100 million Americans covered by Medicare and Medicaid.
Rarely has the government sent so many conflicting signals in so short a time about the bottom line for the health care industry.
Cuts are coming, says Washington, and some could be really big. Yet more government spending is also being promised as President Barack Obama's health care overhaul advances and millions of uninsured people move closer to getting government-subsidized coverage.
Thornton Kirby, president of the South Carolina Hospital Association, says it's like someone being told they are getting a raise, but their taxes and gas bill are also going up. There's no way to tell how deep a hole you might be in.
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A Congolese inventor has unveiled what he says is the first African-designed smartphone.
Verone Mankou, 27, told AFP that the so-called Elikia, which means "hope" in the local language, went on sale the day before in the Republic of Congo.
Mankou, head of the company VMK, said the Android-powered device was on sale in only in Congo for now, but he planned to launch it in other countries.
The phone was initially due to go on sale in October but its launch was delayed "because of an explosion in demand," he said.
Though the phone is Congolese by design, it is manufactured in China. It costs about 130 euros ($164) &mdashl; a considerable sum in this central African nation.
The phone has a 3.5-inch touchscreen, 512 megabytes of RAM and a 650-Mhz processor. Its camera is five megapixels, and it also comes with GPS and Bluetooth.
Mankou last year designed what was billed as Africa's first tablet computer.
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Article title: Simple Abundance Exercises Can Change Your Mindset
Article Category: Self-Improvement
When you feel more prosperous, you will lead life of improved health, happiness and prosperity. However, when most of us think about our finances, most of the time we don?t have thoughts of prosperity.
Continue reading this article?
Source: http://www.medicalguide.pro/3210/simple-abundance-exercises-can-change-your-mindset-4.html
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Peter Whoriskey reports in the Washington Post that the pharmaceutical industry has influenced the decision to classify grief due to the loss of a loved one as a form of depression. In the primitive past, grief was thought to build character. Now it?s a disease. That in turn, of course, allows anti-depressants to be prescribed and covered by health insurance.
It was a simple experiment in healing the bereaved: Twenty-two patients who had recently lost a spouse were given a widely used antidepressant.
The drug, marketed as Wellbutrin, improved ?major depressive symptoms occurring shortly after the loss of a loved one,? the report in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry concluded.
When, though, should the bereaved be medicated? For years, the official handbook of psychiatry, issued by the American Psychiatric Association, advised against diagnosing major depression when the distress is ?better accounted for by bereavement.? Such grief, experts said, was better left to nature.
But that may be changing.
In what some prominent critics have called a bonanza for the drug companies, the American Psychiatric Association this month voted to drop the old warning against diagnosing depression in the bereaved, opening the way for more of them to be diagnosed with major depression ? and thus, treated with antidepressants.
The change in the handbook, which could have significant financial implications for the $10 billion U.S. antidepressant market, was developed in large part by people affiliated with the pharmaceutical industry, an examination of financial disclosures shows.
It?s worth reading the whole article. Of course, the bereaved have to want to take the drug. So in many ways this is a classic bootlegger and baptist coalition?a mix of pure self-interest (sell lots of high-margin drugs!) and high-minded motivation (help the depressed!).
Some commenters at the Post have noted that this is the problem of having a for-profit pharmaceutical sector. Perhaps. But the real root of the problem is the ability to get other people to pay for your drugs. If pharmaceuticals weren?t covered by government subsidy, the problem might not go away but it would be a lot smaller. I don?t care if depressed people want to assuage their grief with chemicals. That should be their choice. Just not on my nickel. So all of these fights and all of the influence of the drug companies come from the immense profits available from selling something that the consumers can have without paying the full price.
For related conversations on these issues, see this podcast with Marcia Angell or this one with Gary Greenberg.
Source: http://cafehayek.com/2012/12/bootleggers-and-baptists-in-the-drug-industry.html
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When you make your New Year?s Resolutions this year, don?t forget to include heart health. After all, there?s only one to a customer. If you want to optimize your heart health, a new book can lead the way. Brenda Watson?s ?Heart of Perfect Health? is filled with information that can fine-tune this essential organ.
Ms. Watson notes that few would argue that we are at a serious point regarding the health of Americans. Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in our nation and 1 in 3 people have some form of cardiovascular disease. Her area of focus has always been digestion; therefore, she did not envision that she would write a book about heart disease. However, as time progressed, her family experienced heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, weight gain, and diabetes. As a result, understanding these issues became very personal for hers. Her mantra has always been: ?Heal your gut, heal your body,? knowing digestive health is connected to heart health.
She points out that when she consults with doctors and cardiologists regarding the root cause of chronic disease, their response s have overwhelmingly been inflammation. Studies clearly show that chronic, low-grade inflammation; also called silent inflammation, underlies heart disease and other chronic conditions. But what causes this silent inflammation?
You may be surprised to learn that the digestive system is the major source of silent inflammation, largely due to a condition known as leaky gut syndrome, or increased intestinal permeability. A host of dietary and digestive factors can trigger leaky gut and silent inflammation, ultimately leading to heart disease. Indeed, you must heal your gut to heal your heart.
There are three main warning signs of silent inflammation that should be monitored: (1) high blood pressure, (2) high cholesterol, and (3) high blood sugar. These markers, when ignored, allow the silent inflammation, like a smoldering fire, to trigger chronic disease in the body.
Ms. Watson explains that she is on a crusade to empower people to become their own health advocate and to share the simple steps that can be taken today to stop silent inflammation, heal the gut, and in many cases, prevent and even reverse heart disease and other chronic conditions. She notes that one can start with eating more fat. Beneficial omega-3 fats have been shown to decrease silent inflammation and improve heart health. Next, we must decrease our sugar intake. Sugar is like gasoline on the embers of silent inflammation. Last, we need more fiber: 35 grams daily. A diet high in non-starchy vegetables and fruits, healthy fats, lean proteins, nuts, and seeds, along with supplements to reach your goals, will help get you to the heart of perfect health.
In addition to explaining nutritional factors involved in heart health, the high-quality, beautifully illustrated book debunks common heart disease myths, such as ?cholesterol is bad,? ?only diabetics need to worry about blood sugar,? and ?a low-fat diet is heart healthy.?
About Brenda Watson: For more than 20 years, Brenda Watson, C.N.C. has dedicated her career to helping people achieve vibrant, lasting health through improved digestive function. A dynamic health advocate, she is among the foremost authorities in America today on optimum nutrition and digestion, natural detoxification methods, and herbal internal cleansing. A New York Times best-selling author and seven books later, Brenda continues to educate people about the digestive connection to total-body health. Brenda?s high-energy, no-nonsense approach to bodily functions has made her a popular presenter on PBS and a frequent health expert on national television. Her fifth PBS special, ?Heart of Perfect Health? currently airs nationally. For more information visit, click on this link.
See also:
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Source: http://www.emaxhealth.com/11306/how-have-heart-healthy-new-year
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Mark Suster, an investor, says this is where the Internet is going.
"People in America watch on average 5.3 hours of television per day," he says. "We know what the future of the Internet's going to be ... It's going to be a great, big video platform."
Suster has bet a lot of money on being right. His venture capital firm, GRP Partners, has invested millions of dollars in companies that create professional online video.
Among those companies is Maker Studios, which garners a total of 2 billion views a month for its talent. Its roster includes online sensations such as Kassem G and Epic Rap Battles of History. This year, it added Snoop Dogg to its lineup.
Suster says his bet on the company is paying off.
"Three-and-a-half years ago there were no employees," he says. "Maker Studios alone now employs more than 300 people."
Suster says next year, Maker Studios is expected to bring in more than $100 million in revenue.
There's a new name for studios like Maker. It's being called a "multichannel network," or "MCN." An MCN is an umbrella for a lot of different producers. It cross-promotes them online and gets ads for the videos on YouTube.
This year saw the launch of some new multichannel networks like MiTu, a bilingual network that focuses on lifestyle topics like recipes, makeup and money management. "I think this has been a transformative year," says its co-founder, Doug Grief.
Grief has spent most of his career in traditional television. He says that until this year, it wasn't really cool among his TV and film colleagues to talk about content for the Internet. But now, says Grief, "everybody in our business in Los Angeles and in Hollywood is talking about, 'Well, what are you doing on the Web?' "
Grief says that since MiTu's launch last April, its videos have been viewed upward of 800 million times. And as much as traditional Hollywood may be talking about online ventures, Grief says MiTu is making new stars out of people who started out making home videos.
"It's really astounding that you have these little cottage industries that are popping up around the world, and the majority of them are women. Many of them are moms and wives, and they're running these quite successful businesses from their homes," he says.
According to Grief, many of these "moms" are bringing in as much as $10,000 a month.
Among MiTu's stars is Cris Ordaz. With her down-home good looks and practical makeup advice, Ordaz has garnered a big audience and a Honda sponsorship.
Another big online player is Hulu. Though Hulu is known largely as a subscription service that recycles old TV shows, this year Hulu launched its first original scripted drama, Battleground.
Andy Forssell, a senior vice president at Hulu, describes it as a funny political drama that wasn't quite right for network TV. Forssell sees the Web as a place to experiment with programming.
"To networks, that just doesn't seem to fit any of the models they have," he says. However, Forssell says Hulu executives thought "it was just a really interesting show and very well done."
Hulu backed five of its own shows in 2012, and it has more coming this year. Netflix the other site known for streaming other people's shows had its first original show this year.
Investor Mark Suster says these Web-based companies realize that is the way forward. "Their future cannot be tied to just aggregating content produced by other studios," he says. "They have to have some original content."
One of the best barometers of Internet videos may be YouTube's top 10 list. Last year, only three of the top videos were made by professionals. This year, seven of the top videos were made by pros.
There are probably a few dog and cat stars who are bummed out about this. But for the rest of us, the year to come may bring more variety to our online menus.
Copyright 2012 National Public Radio. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org/.
Source: http://www.gpb.org/news/2012/12/26/online-videos-not-just-made-by-amateurs-anymore
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If you have any type of vein disease or have problems dealing with issues such as Spider Veins or Varicose Veins you understand that it is a health issue that is not fun or enjoyable. This issue is a problem for many. In fact, about 50 to 55 percent of women and 40 to 45 percent of men in the United States suffer from some type of vein problem. The good news is that solutions are available. Thanks to new medical technology and years of research on everything from Deep Venous Thrombosis to Spider Veins, a lot of vein problems that are so commonly suffered in the United States can get treated well.
There are a multitude of treatments that are available for Vein Disease and it is up to you to decide which one will have the greatest impact on helping out your cause. The doctor that you visit in your initial appointment to discuss treatment options will go over all of the potential options available. Below, we have analyzed various treatment options that are available to people today and have gone over their advantages and disadvantages. Each option has unique benefits and drawbacks and it is ultimately up to you to decide, but based on the lists below, you should gain better knowledge as what treatment option will best suite your specific needs.
The first option is a procedure called Sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is a safe and proven non-surgical treatment for small or medium-sized varicose veins and is best for the treatment for spider veins. A tiny needle is used to implement a sclerosing solution into the target vein. This solution shuts it down the vein by irritating the lining of it.
Another option is called Endovenous laser Treatment (EVLT). This procedure is a minimally invasive treatment for veins that are located beneath the skins surface which are not working properly due to malfunctioning valves. The procedure involves the insertion of a tiny laser fiber into the vein, which seals the vein shut so it eventually collapses and fades from the surface of the skin.
The next option available is VNUS. This is a new procedure utilizes radiofrequency waves created by an electrode to close the vein. It closes the vein by heating the vein wall causing contraction of the vein. The VNUS Closure procedure has very little discomfort associated with it and yields a typically high degree of success.
Microphlebectomy is a procedure that is also commonly referred to as ambulatory phlebectomy. This is a type of surgery commonly used to remove large bulging veins. Many times, varicose veins near the surface of the skin are too large to treat with Sclerotherapy and are too small to treat with laser ablation. In these cases, this procedure is recommended to treat unsightly or painful leg veins close to the skins surface. Even though this is an invasive surgery, the risks associated are minimal.
As you see above, there is a great deal of options available to you for treatment of Vein Disease. Make sure you go over the options thoroughly and choose the treatment that fits your needs the best!
See more information about vein diseases and how to get the right treatment for your condition. Visit the following links: Varicose vein and Varicose vein doctor.
Visit our website at http://www.californiaveintreatment.com
Source: http://www.articleswide.com/article/12137-Treatment_options_for_Vein_diseases.html
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Design and Features
The AME600-UR378 measures 14.9 by 7.09 by 15.82 inches (HWD). Its boxy black metallic chassis is a relatively unassuming affair, but its glossy plastic face adds a splash of style. The front portion houses a dual-layer DVD burner and a free optical drive bay. Directly beneath that is a sliding door that covers a swappable expansion bay whose removable sled allows for a straightforward hard drive upgrade without having to open the chassis. The only departure from the AME600-UR378's all-black aesthetic is its gray upper lip protruding above the tower, which houses two USB 2.0 ports, a pair of USB 3.0 ports, a multicard reader, headphone and mic jacks, and a button that toggles a dim white light that emanates from a sliver between the AME600-UR378's face and the lip. The rear of the chassis houses the remainder of its ports, including four USB 2.0 ports, dual USB 3.0 ports, two PS/2 ports (for old-school mice and keyboard, even though the ones bundled with the AME600-UR378 are USB 2.0), HDMI- and VGA- out, audio ports, and Ethernet.
Opening the AME600-UR378's chassis requires unscrewing two rear bolts. Once you pop open the side of the AME600-UR378, you'll find an empty bay that can accommodate a supplemental optical drive as well as the removable sled mentioned above for an additional hard drive The system's 10GB DDR3 RAM is divvied into one 2GB module and a pair of 4GB modules, leaving a single vacant socket for RAM upgrades. One of the system's three PCIe x1 slots is occupied by the built-in 802.11a/g/n Wi-Fi card. The other two PCIe x1 slots are available, as well as a free PCIe x16 slot. The AME600-UR378 has integrated Intel HD Graphics 4000 GPU, and one of its available PCI slots can be filled with a beefier GPU. That said, the AME600-UR378's 300W power supply means that it won't be able to accommodate anything beyond a midrange graphics card.
The AME600-UR378 ships with a generous 2TB 5,400RPM hard drive. At the same time, however, it's laden with a fairly heavy amount of preloaded software. As is often the case, these programs vary in utility. At any rate, one encounters all of the usual suspects, ranging from the genuinely useful (Office 2010 Starter, a full version of McAfee Internet Security Suite, media-oriented software like CyberLink Media Espresso, Clear.fi Media and Photo) to the obligatorily proprietary (Acer Power Management, Acer Recovery Management, Acer Cloud Docs) to the typical delete-immediately-after-unpacking bloatware (Wild Tangent games suite, desktop links to eBay, Amazon, Spotify). The AME600-UR378 is covered by a one-year limited warranty.
The AME600-UR378's 3.4GHz Intel Core i7-3770 processor and 10GB of DDR3 RAM yielded impressive scores across the board. Since it was one of our first Windows 8 mainstream multimedia desktops, comparable systems are scarce. That said, we were able to stack the AME600-UR378's performance against similarly priced Windows 7 desktops, like the Lenovo IdeaCentre K430 and the Dell Vostro 470.
While each system sported the same processor, the Aspire AME600-UR378's PCMark 7 score of 3,917 points muscled its way past its competitors, well ahead of the Lenovo IdeaCentre K430 (3,737 points). It also scored higher than both the Gateway DX4870-UR11P (3,540 points) and Asus Essentio CM6870 (3,304 points). The AME600-UR378 displayed similar agility in multimedia-oriented tasks. It completed our Handbrake video-encoding test in a brisk 40 seconds, leaving the Asus CM6870 (1:03) in a distant second place. The AME600-UR378 completed our Photoshop CS6 test in 3 minutes 32 seconds.
On our Cinebench test, the Aspire AME600-UR378 scored 7 points, coming relatively close to the Gateway DX4870-UR11P (7.45 points) but falling a bit short of the Lenovo K430 (7.86 points), a disparity that can be attributed to the latter's extra 2GB of RAM. On a practical level, though, the two score closely enough that most users won't be able to discern much of a difference in processing capability between them.
While the Aspire AME600-UR378 understandably didn't display the same 3D rendering prowess as desktops sporting discrete graphics processors did, it held its ground in 3DMark 11 (1,478 in Entry-level settings; 230 in Extreme-level settings) where it counted?against the Gateway DX4870-UR11P (1,460 points in Entry-level settings), the only other system in the class with an integrated GPU. It came as no surprise, then, that the Aspire AME600-UR378 was outflanked by systems in its class with discrete graphics, like the Asus CM6870 (2,832 points and 523 points, respectively) and the Lenovo K430 (2,948 points and 525 points, respectively.
Like the Lenovo K430, the Aspire AME600-UR378 failed to crack the 30 frames per second (fps) playability barrier in the high-end gaming arena. Such was the case in both our Aliens vs. Predator benchmark test (14fps with medium-quality settings in 1,366-by-768 resolution; 5fps with maximum-quality in 1,920-by-1,080 resolution) and our Heaven benchmark tests (14fps with medium-quality settings in 1,366-by-768 resolution; 4fps with maximum-quality in 1,920-by-1,080 resolution), and this shortcoming is more forgivable than it is with the IdeaCentre K430's inability to do so in both Aliens vs. Predator (12fps with maximum-quality in 1,920-by-1,080 resolution) and Heaven (26fps and 12fps) since that system is actually touted as a gaming rig.
All said, the Acer Aspire AME600-UR378 is a good choice for users looking for an affordably priced mainstream multimedia desktop preloaded with Windows 8. In addition to its solid hardware offerings, it also offers decent expandability and comes with a reasonable price tag. At the same time, however, the mere inclusion of Windows 8 alone hardly distinguishes it from our current Editors' Choice for midrange desktop PCs, the Gateway DX4870-UR11P, a system whose extremely similar specs and slightly lower price help keep it at the top of the pile. Still, the Aspire AME600-UR378 is certainly worth checking out.
Compare the Acer Aspire AME600-UR378 with several other desktops side by side.
More desktop reviews:
??? Acer Aspire AME600-UR378
??? HP Spectre One 23-e010se
??? HP Envy 23-d060qd TouchSmart
??? Apple iMac 21.5-Inch (Late 2012)
??? Apple iMac 27-Inch (Late 2012)
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/OU7uyRIIp5Q/0,2817,2413568,00.asp
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BEIRUT (AP) ? Officials at Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport say Syria's interior minister has been released from a hospital and is flying home aboard a private jet.
The officials said Mohammed al-Shaar left Beirut on Wednesday and is on his way to Damascus. They spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations,
Al-Shaar was wounded on Dec. 12 when a suicide bomber exploded his vehicle outside the Interior Ministry, killing five and wounding many, including the minister.
The Syrian government denied at first that al-Shaar was wounded. Then it emerged that he was brought to a Beirut hospital last week for treatment.
The same minister was wounded when a bomb went off on July 18 during a high-level crisis meeting in Damascus, killing four top officials.
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Repeat after me: This holiday season, I resolve to take into consideration the increasingly mobile and visual preferences of my customers or readers, and to create and repurpose content to meet their needs, on whichever platform they use to connect with my business.
Recently, TopRank?s Alexis Hall and Lee Odden have each shared with us a few figures that underscore the importance of video in a modern day marketing strategy:
Over 53% of e-commerce retailers are already using non-product related video content (informational videos) on their sites. An additional 30.5% plan to add informational videos to their content arsenal in 2013.
Video Creation & Editing Using Existing Content: Getting Started
At TopRank, we?ve long been advocates of content repurposing as part of a sustainable marketing strategy; in fact, in this 2008 Online Marketing Blog post, Lee suggests repurposing PowerPoint decks to better leverage the research and content created for a presentation. More recently, we?ve used videos to add visual and audio to blog posts by way of an introduction or explanation (as in this video, a screenshot of which is at the top of this post). Yet marketers may be weary to take the plunge as video production can be costly and time-consuming.
Back in 2010, I discovered the value of content repurposing video through my work with a non-profit adult literacy agency. This organization held their first annual Transliteracy Conference that year, to teach educators how to reach learners more effectively through multimedia content.
This need to connect and educate applies in business as much as learning programs; your customers may be visual, auditory or kinesthetic learners, who want to be informed, educated and entertained, not marketed to. Now keep in mind, we had almost no budget to play with and though I had been creating written content for years, I had zero video production or editing skills. Yet we knew that people consume content in a variety of ways and in order to reach the greatest audience and help them actually retain information, we had to get creative.
After testing out a few free, open source video tools, we went with Cam Studio for the task of converting PowerPoint decks from the conference to videos we could upload to YouTube. Educators could access these videos online after the event, share them with other practitioners, and even embed them in their own content (see below). Videos are incredibly versatile content that can be shared on your blog, corporate site, social media accounts and more.
It took approximately two hours per presentation to record a voiceover track for each slide and edit, then upload the video. In keeping with accessibility standards, we created a second version of each, with closed captioning for hearing-impaired viewers (this took an additional hour per video).
How to Use Repurposed Video Content in Business
Imagine how you can use this content repurposing strategy for your business! There are even more free tools now and they?re far more advanced than those we had to choose from in 2010. Business videos can be used to:
Free & Open Source Tools for Video Content Marketers
For the purpose of this post, I?ll assume that like many people, you would prefer to experiment and learn the basics with a no-cost tool before taking the plunge and investing in video software. Here are a few free tools you can use to get started:
1. CamStudio ? Desktop Screen Recorder
CamStudio is the stripped down, basic ? and free ? version of TechSmith?s popular Camtasia screen recording and video editing software. I?ve used both and have to say that Cam Studio was a fantastic beginner?s tool; it was easy to learn, simple to use and the finished product was decent.
The trick to using this tool for repurposing a presentation was to set the PowerPoint display time for each slide longer than required. For example, we set a 30-second slide time and it took 15 to 25 seconds for each voiceover recording. This allowed us to easily cut out the additional few seconds of slide time, rather than rushing to fit the audio in, for seamless transitions in the video to the next slide.
2. Google Hangouts
Google Hangouts are a free and incredibly flexible video tool from social network Google+. You might be familiar with its potential for online meetings and chat, but it?s also a great option for content repurposing.
Easily transition from live video to screen captures to dive deeper into blog posts, add commentary to written research studies, or read and explain customer testimonials. The entire video can be uploaded to YouTube at the push of a button.
3. Windows Movie Maker
This is a good option for marketers with a collection of images to convert to video. For example, your company could turn a set of charts or graphs based on original research into a video with commentary that links back to your original report. Or, narrate the story of a number of customers using your product in a variety of ways. The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination.
Eighty-five percent of the U.S. Internet audience watch videos online each month and on average, each user watches 1,399 minutes per month. To get your company started in video marketing as quickly and inexpensively as possible, without sacrificing the quality of your customer interactions, you need a solution that:
Once you become comfortable with video content repurposing, you may choose to upgrade to a paid software solution with more features. In the meantime, I hope these free tools fit the bill!
How do you use video in your content marketing strategy? Share your tips and tricks with other readers in the comments.
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16 hrs.
Alan Boyle , NBC News
Not even Santa Claus can avoid getting drawn into the tech clash between Google and Microsoft: The two companies have set up separate online systems to track where the Jolly Old Elf has been on Christmas Eve?? but they show him simultaneously at widely separated locations, delivering presents at a dramatically different rate.
On the official "NORAD Tracks Santa" website, powered this year by Microsoft, Santa Claus was in Rome, well past the 3-billion-present mark in his holiday rounds. At the same time, Google's Santa Tracker showed him buzzing through Agadez in the African country of Niger, not quite up to the 1-billion-present mark.
They can't both be right. Can they? Here's the word from Search?Engine?Land's Danny Sullivan, who has been tracking the discrepancy in this year's?Santa-tracking software:
"NORAD explains that it uses everything from radar to jets to track Santa. Google doesn?t explain its technology, but I suspect it tries to triangulate Santa using his cell phone signal or use of wifi hotspots.
"As for why NORAD shows Father Christmas delivering three?times the number of gifts that Google is listing, perhaps NORAD?s radars can better pinpoint presents while Google might be doing estimating.?Meanwhile? both services sometimes show presents being delivered over oceans! And why is NORAD showing Santa arriving in some places at 9pm rather than midnight, as has been the case in the past?"
Maybe this is just the sort of thing that happens when you switch software: NORAD (also known as the North American Aerospace Defense Command) has been monitoring Santa's flight as a public service since 1955, and five years ago, it teamed up with Google to keep up with the crush of Web traffic. This year, however, the NORAD Santa operation parted ways with Google and partnered with Microsoft instead.
Google stayed in the Santa game by setting up its own tracking system for "Santa's Dashboard" and Google Maps?? a system that doesn't make use of NORAD's tracking data.
Today, Canadian Maj. Gen. Andre Viens, a spokesman for NORAD, declined to intervene in the Santa-tracking war.
"It's not affecting our tracking," Viens told MSNBC. "We're not in competition with anyone. Our role, and we've been doing that for more than?50 years, is to track Santa and make sure that he has a safe and secure journey throughout the world, and throughout North America in particular."
TODAY:?Follow Santa's Christmas Eve flight
PhotoBlog: Inside NORAD's command center
Maybe it shouldn't be surprising to find?that it's so difficult to get a firm fix on Santa's position, considering how many presents he has to deliver in so little time. Some experts have speculated that the only way Santa could ?deliver gifts (or lumps of coal) to billions of homes in the course of just a few hours would be if he somehow harnessed quantum teleportation. And once you accept that, it's not that big of a leap to detect Santa in two places at once.
Alan Boyle is the science editor for NBC News Digital, and has been tracking NORAD's Santa tracker since 1998.?Boyle's usual online?hangout is over at Cosmic Log.
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Tongue rings are now not only the third most popular of all piercings, but they have also become much safer to have done.
Tongue rings were once only rarely seen and people heard more often the horror stories about people who get it done. That has changed a lot over the past couple of decades. Tongue piercings have become much more common due mainly to safer standards in the piercing industry.
Where once people would actually get their tongues pierced at home by friends they now realize the importance of going to a professional who has done tongue rings before. Unlike other parts of the body that are commonly pierced, the tongue has two major veins running through it. If either of these veins is even nicked by the needle, it can cause severe blood loss.
Even when done correctly tongue rings still take two to six weeks to heal. It can take up to six months for the piercing to be fully healed. During this healing time, it is not uncommon for the tongue to swell. This is easily treated with cold drinks, sucking on ice and taking anti-inflammatory to bring the swelling down.
Also during the healing time, it is highly recommended that the pierced person refrain from alcohol, smoking, and making tongue contact with other people. Spicy food is also something to be avoided. And after doing any of the above, it is strongly suggested that they rinse their mouths with alcohol free mouthwash. Being such a warm moist environment, people who get tongue rings need to take extra care to avoid infection. They must also tighten the barbell daily to avoid it coming lose and them swallowing it.
It is commonly believed the tongue rings first got started at the Gauntlet. The Gauntlet was the first professional body piercing shop in the United States. Founder of the Gauntlet and body-piercing pioneer, Elayne Angel, is often given credit with popularizing the tongue rings.
Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.
Source: http://www.huntingbynight.com/tongue-rings-have-come-a-long-way-in-the-past-two-decades/
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Company Description:
Founded in 1919, AUC moved to a new 270-acre state-of-the-art campus in New Cairo in 2008. The University also operates in its historic downtown facilities, offering cultural events, graduate classes, and continuing education. Student housing is available in both downtown Zamalek and New Cairo. Among the premier universities in the region, AUC is Middle States accredited; its Engineering programs are accredited by ABET, its Chemistry program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry, and the Management program is accredited by AACSB. The AUC Libraries contain the largest English-language research collection in the region and are an active and integral part of the University's pursuit of excellence in all academic and scholarly programs. AUC is an English-medium institution; eighty-five percent of the students are Egyptian and the rest include students from nearly ninety countries, principally from the Middle East, Africa and North America. Faculty salary and rank are based on qualifications and professional experience. All faculty receive generous benefits, from AUC tuition to access to research funding; expatriate faculty also receive relocation benefits including annual home leave, and tuition assistance for school age children.
Job Description:
Under the direction of the Head of Research and Information Services and the Coordinator of Instruction, the successful candidate will join a dynamic team to teach and assess on a variety of levels: the LALT 101 (a mandatory course for freshmen), subject specific one-shots, graduate seminars and orientations, as well as other areas. He//she will participate as a member of the Reference Team through the Learning Commons and other service points. Other areas of responsibility include collection development, outreach in a targeted discipline as a library liaison, and working with the User Experience Librarian on a variety of projects.?
Under the direction of the Coordinator of Instructional Services, the candidate would provide classroom instruction on a variety of levels:?1. Teach and develop content for the required full semester Freshman Information Literacy Course, LALT 101;?2. Develop and teach content for blended online new Freshman Year courses;?3. Teach and develop content for subject specific courses;?4. Assist with programmatic assessment.?
The candidate would interact with faculty, students, and visitors to identify information needs and assist with research needs.?The candidate would also provide outreach services with designated academic departments (areas of liaison duties to be determined by background).
Additional Information:
For details see the complete job description at http: //lib.aucegypt.edu/screens/jobs.html
Review of applications begins immediately
Application Instructions:
All applicants must submit the following documents online:?
a) a current C.V; b) a letter of interest; c) a completed Personal
Information Form; d) at least three reference letters from referees familiar with your professional background sent directly to
Note: Please remember that your account login enables you to respond to AUC additional questions (if required).
?Source: http://www.higheredjobs.com/details.cfm?JobCode=175705648
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LONDON (AP) ? Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition calling for British CNN host Piers Morgan to be deported from the U.S. over his gun control views.
Morgan has taken an aggressive stand for tighter U.S. gun laws in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting. Last week, he called a gun advocate appearing on his "Piers Morgan Tonight" show an "unbelievably stupid man."
Now, gun rights activists are fighting back. A petition created Dec. 21 on the White House e-petition website by a user in Texas accuses Morgan of engaging in a "hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution" by targeting the Second Amendment. It demands he be deported immediately for "exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens."
The petition has already hit the 25,000 signature threshold to get a White House response. By Monday, it had 31,813 signatures.
Morgan seemed unfazed ? and even amused ? by the movement.
In a series of Twitter messages, he alternately urged his followers to sign the petition and in response to one article about the petition said "bring it on" as he appeared to track the petition's progress.
"If I do get deported from America for wanting fewer gun murders, are there any other countries that will have me?" he wrote.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/pro-gun-rights-us-petition-deport-piers-morgan-130319681.html
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![]() | Hamming: "dubious that great programmers can be trained.." |
35 points by BlackJack 15 hours ago | 58 comments | |
I'm currently reading "The Art of Doing Science and Engineering" by Richard Hamming. The book is based off of lectures he gave in a course by the same name. Here are a few paragraphs that I found thought provoking: "I made the comparison of writing software with the act of literary writing; both seem to depend fundamentally on clear thinking. Can good programming be taught? If we look at the corresponding teaching of "creative writing" courses we find that most students of such courses do not become great writers, and most great writers in the past did not take creative writing courses! Hence it is dubious that great programmers can be trained easily. Does experience help? Do bureaucrats after years of writing reports and instructions get better? I have no real data but I suspect that with time they get worse! The habitual use of "governmentese" over the years probably seeps into their writing style and makes them worse. I suspect the same for programmers! Neither years of experience nor the number of languages used is any reason for thinking that the programmer is getting better from these experiences. An examination of books on programming suggests that most of the authors are not good programmers. The results I picture are not nice, but all you have to oppose it is wishful thinking - I have evidence of years and years of programming on my side." What do you guys think? I disagree with his creative writing analogy because I don't think creative writing courses were taught much in the past, but otherwise I feel it's spot on. | |
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Source: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4959619
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